Letiště Letňany

The area of Prague Letňany Airport is a public domestic and non-public international aerodrome. It means that this area is subject to national security program that must be respected by all persons and vehicles. The air traffic and its safety is the most important task at every airport. That is why even the smallest airport must be fenced. Prague Letňany Airport area is monitored by cameras 24 hours a day.

Everyone in the area of the airport must, in compliance with current legislation, have a valid ID card issued by the airport operator (there is an exception for crew and passengers, however, their identification is secured by other means).

To request entry to the airport please contact info@letnany-airport.cz .

For public events such as Prague Letňany Airport Open Day, concerts or private parties in rented areas of the airport, there are different rules for entry specified separately for each event.

Rozdělení prostor letiště


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